The map
of the Internet
Like any other map, The Internet map is a scheme
displaying objects’ relative position; but unlike real maps (e.g. the map of
the Earth) or virtual maps (e.g. the map of Mordor), the objects shown on it
are not aligned on a surface. Mathematically speaking, The Internet map is a
bi-dimensional presentation of links between websites on the Internet. Every
site is a circle on the map, and its size is determined by website traffic, the
larger the amount of traffic, the bigger the circle. Users’ switching between
websites forms links, and the stronger the link, the closer the websites tend
to arrange themselves to each other.
and springs
To draw an analogy from classical physics, one may
say that websites are electrically charged bodies, while links between them are
springs. Springs pull similar websites together, and the charge does not let
the bodies adjoin and pushes websites apart if there is no link between them.
Originally, all such electrified bodies (websites) are randomly scattered on
the surface of the map. Springs are stretched, repulsion energy is high – the
system is far from being at equilibrium. Then the websites start moving under
the influence of the forces exerted and in a while come to a halt – forces of
attraction now become equal to forces of repulsion, the system has reached its
equilibrium. It is exactly that state that is shown on The Internet map.
Also, an analogy can be drawn from quantum physics.
In this case, a website is a physical body with a finite mass, a single user is
the mass quantum – the much-spoken-about, yet-to-be-found Higgs’ boson, whereas
the act of user’s switching between sites is the gravitational quantum – the
graviton, another hypothetical particle.
Anyway, the real algorithm of plotting The Internet
map is quite far from the analogies given above. For those interested, the
closest description of the mathematical model can be found in the research, and
the engineering solution looks very similar to what has been described in .
Google Maps engine has been used as the platform for displaying.
The map of the Internet is a photo shot of the
global network as of end of 2011 (however, baloons show actual statistics from
Alexa). It encompasses over 350 thousand websites from 196 countries and all
domain zones. Information about more than 2 million links between the websites
has joined some of them together into topical clusters. As one might have
expected, the largest clusters are formed by national websites, i.e. sites
belonging to one country. For the sake of convenience, all websites relative to
a certain country carry the same color. For instance, the red zone at the top
corresponds to Russian segment of the net, the yellow one on the left stands
for the Chinese segment, the purple one on the right is Japanese, the large
light-blue central one is the American segment, etc.
Importantly, clusters on the map are semantically
charged, i.e. they join websites together according to their content. For
example, a vast porno cluster can be seen between Brazil and Japan as well as a
host of minor clusters uniting websites of the same field or similar purposes.
The Internet Phenomenon
The Internet global network is a phenomenon of
technological civilization, and its exceptional complexity surpasses anything
mankind has ever created. In essence, what we are dealing with here is a huge
quantity of utterly unstructured information. The Internet map is an attempt to
look into the hidden structure of the network, fathom its colossal scale, and examine that which is impossible to
understand from the bare figures of statistics.
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