Thursday, 21 November 2013

Q1) Lee Wong is the newly appointed database administrator at standard bank. The management of this bank wants to computerize the process of banking. According to the bank’s policy, one customer can have many accounts but one account cannot be shared by many customers. The following Er diagram represents the relationship between a customers and the accounts owned by a particular customer. In the preceding diagram, you have to identify entities, their attributes, and type of relationship between the entities.

The following list describes the entities, the attributes, and the relationship of the preceding ER diagram.

  • ·         Entities – Customer and Account
  • ·         Attributes of Customer – Customer Name, SSN Number, and Customer Address
  • ·         Attributes of Account – Account Number and Balance
  • ·         Type of Relationship – One to Many

Monday, 18 November 2013

Create Custom Windows 8 Pinned Start Screen Tile for your website

One interesting topic I’m going to discuss now! There are certain Tiles in Windows 8 Start Screen that we don’t even look at. So it’ll be logical to replace them with certain tiles like some browsers, websites or even your own website. E.g. You regularly use websites like Facebook or if you own a website, you regularly check it and update it.

So making one separate Tile for Windows 8 not only bags a front seat for you as well as makes you feel royal. So the following tutorial will help you to pin you website at the Windows 8 Start Screen. Okay, let me tell you another thing that this pinning procedure can also be accomplished using the Chrome but the Tiles look better when done with IE10 and presently Mozilla Firefox lacks this feature. Mozilla Firefox for Windows that will be launched in a short while may add this feature. We can hope for it. 8

Steps to create your own windows 8 Tile for your website

    1. Press Windows button to go to Start Screen and then click on Internet Explorer. Remember, you have to run Windows 8 IE 10 for this purpose and if you have Windows 8 IE 10, you don’t need to take much headache.

2. Type the address of the website for which you want to create the tile in the address bar and hit Enter. When the website is opened properly, take the cursor to the right bottom corner of the adress bar and check that a Pin Icon pops up in the black band. Click on it and select Pin To Start.

3. Now you’ll be asked to put description about your website or your application. Enter the text like here I entered It’s all about Windows 8

You are done.

So by using this process we see that the Tile does not display the favicon.ico file of your website and the IE symbol will be there which somehow doesn’t look cool. So next, I’ll tell you the steps to give your website a elegant Tile Icon.



Sunday, 17 November 2013

Your mobile website as a Windows Phone app

Smartphone users love apps! But developing apps for multiple platforms can be time-consuming. A great alternative might be a mobile website. Web developers are using HTML5 to create webpages that are more powerful and feature-rich than ever before. But a website is not as customizable as an app. Let’s look at some advantages to each approach to reaching your audience.
Mobile website advantages
Many businesses and organizations have developed websites specifically to meet the demands of a society more and more accustomed to doing just about every task with mobile devices. Mobile websites:
·         Work across different mobile devices
·         Are easily upgradeable
·         Are searchable
·         Leverage web development skills
Dedicated app advantages
Apps can be powerful and fast, but they are tied to a specific platform. You have to write your app for each platform on which you want it to be available. Despite this, dedicated apps for Windows Phone can have features that tip the balance in their favor, like:
·         Pinning secondary Tiles to Start
·         Live Tiles
·         Local data on the phone itself
·         Speech recognition
Apps must also pass certification to be included in the Windows Phone Store. This gives users confidence when downloading an app from the Store, but it may add to your development cost.
The hybrid web app: The best of both worlds
There’s an ongoing debate between developers about mobile websites versus dedicated mobile apps. How about a solution that provides the best of both worlds? This is the hybrid web app, and Windows Phone has it.
A hybrid web app gives you a presence in the Windows Phone Store with much less effort than building an app from the ground up, and it adds features that can give it winning advantages over just a website.
With a hybrid web app you can:
·         Reuse the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript you’ve already created
·         Reduce development costs by leveraging investments across different platforms
·         Combine with C# to access the Windows Phone platform
For example, your app could support:
·         The ability to pin pages from your website directly to Start
·         The ability for users to share links to your webpages with their contacts on social networking websites
·         Speech recognition for searching your product catalog and other user commands
·         Wallet integration for storing loyalty card or payment card information
You could add many other features that you normally would find only in a dedicated Windows Phone app.
But, getting up and running quickly by leveraging the work you’ve already done creating your mobile website is where hybrid web apps really shine.

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Mahror Group wishes you a Happy Diwali

Happy Festivities!
Mahror Group, India’s leading Distance learning cum Online Education Company, wishes you a very Happy and Prosperous Diwali. May this Diwali bring knowledge, success and happiness your way!

Learning illuminates life. Mahror Group, in all its endeavors aims to illuminate lives by spreading quality education through e-learning. This Diwali, we take this pledge to spread quality education beyond any barriers of location, caste & socio-economic status.
Mahror Group has grown immensely during  this year. We thank all of you for your immense support and faith which has proved to be the pillar of our growth. We truly value our relationship. This Diwali, we reiterate our commitment to continue with this enriching relationship for a lifetime. May our relationship continue to stay blessed!

We hope you have a safe and wonderful Diwali.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Think China is the Bo.1 Country for Haking ? Think Again

China has earned a reputation as the hacker capital of the world, but a new report shows the bulk of global cyber-attack activity has recently come from its smaller neighbor Indonesia.
Thirty-eight percent of cyber attacks originated in Indonesia during the second quarter of 2013, up from 21 percent in the first quarter, according to a report by security cloud platform Akamai. This spike helped push China off the hacking pedestal, with the world's most populous country accounting for 33 percent of attacks, down from 34 percent in the previous quarter. The U.S. rounded out the top three, generating 6.9 percent of cyber-attack traffic, a decrease from 8.3 percent.
Indonesia and China alone accounted for more than half of all cyber-attack activity during the quarter.
Related: Don't Get Hacked -- Tools to Fight Cyber Attacks
While it may seem like Indonesia came out of nowhere to take the lead (last year the country accounted for on average less than one percent of cyber crimes), hackers may be taking advantage of its increase in connection and weakening IT structure.
The country's average internet connection speed increased 125 percent in the second quarter from the same time last year. That, coupled with the fact the country isn't spending a whole lot of cash on its infrastructure,  may make the country a haven for cybercriminals.
Related: Cyber Security a Growing Issue for Small Business
In January, hacker group Anonymous Indonesia claimed responsibility for defacing 12 government websites with the tagline "No Army Can Stop an Idea" shown on the sites. In April, the country's defense minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro announced they were building a Cyber Defense Center to take on hackers. Microsoftalso felt the supposed wrath of Indonesia criminals (among others) when it put the kibosh on a cybercrime operation in June.
Akamai's findings are based on agents reporting log connection attempts, which the company defines as attack traffic. The company then can determine the top countries the hack attacks occur. One caveat to keep in mind: the IP address assigned to a particular country may not be the nation the attacker resides. So someone from China with an IP address associated with them, may be committing cyber attacks in France.